Grade 12 - Semester 1

Using Microsoft Excel for modelling:

Microsoft Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windowns and Mac OS X. It features calculations, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called visual basic for applications. With its powerful functions, Excel has been a very widely applied spreadsheet in many fields.
What is Microsoft Excel used for?
1. Manage data records like name list:
The commen usage of Excel is to manage data records and name lists. You don't have to plan in advance on how the table should look like, as the preset layout allows you to create the tables on the fly, just fill in the information, the table is developed on the go. Another more attractive point is that you have the ability to sort the list and filter the listing like a database tool.
2. Used as analytical tool:
besides the good use on managing data, Excel is a great analytical tool for business. With the pivot table contained with Excel, you can easily analyse a large number of data, as the pivot table can automatically sort, count, and total the data stored in one table or spreadsheet and create a second table displaying the summarised data. In the latest version of Excel 2010 there are many features added: It added almost six new calculations, a 'show value as' function and some great visual tools.
3. create forms and consolidate results:
you can use Excel to create not only a simple form that contains boxes, but also professional forms which include option buttons that allow you o select answrs, dropdown list to sleect a particular answer from list of items. Together with charts, you can use Excel to compile answers to tests or quizes.
4. Inventory Management:
Excel provide many functions and formulas that will not only help you manage your data records efficiently but will also allow you to analyse your data based on your constantly changing business environment. Through the use of Microsoft Excel formulas, you can create comprehensive dropdown boxes to facilitate data inputs and reduce erroneous entries. And through the use of pivot tables, you could get a good detailed analysis of your stock movement and also your inventory level at any point in time.

Modelling In Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets):
A model is a program which has been developed to copy the way a system works in real life. It uses mathematical formulas and calculations to predict what is likely to happen based on data recorded about what actually did happen in the past.
spreadsheets are excellent for modelling because you can keep testing out different scenarios until you find one you are happy with. For example, you could see what effect it will have on your profit if you dismiss one, two or even three staff. You can keep adjusting the model until you the result that suits your business. These models can be financial, mathmatical or scientific.
* No equipment damaged
* people are not in any danger
* Expensive prototypes don't need to be built
* Time can be sped up or slowed down
* models can run and re-run over and over
* modifications can easily be made and re-tested quickly.

Systems Life Cycle

Commercial information systems can be described in terms of System Life Cycle. The systems life cycle is the complete cycle of activities involoved in the creation of new or modified computer systems, including several activities described elsewhere. The diagram below represents the growth and development of such a system. when the system is set up, the problem is defined, a feasibility study is made, the exact requirements of the proposed systems are analysed, and the system is designed. Then comes the development and implentations of the design. Finally the system is maintained: bugs are fixed, new problems are defined and the whole system starts again.

Though the life cycle of a system will involve frequently coputerisation, or the upgrade of existing ICT systems, this is not necessarily the case. It is the job of the systems' analyst to determine exactly what changes, if any, need be made to improve the efficeincy of information handling.
The above model is just one of several possible models. Often other phases of the process such as testing and documentation will also be included in the model.